Man. It has been a while.
A couple of things. First, I am finally done with check-rides for a while. Who knows how long, or honestly how soon my next one will be. But the next one will hopefully be a sim ride at a 121 operation next Spring.
Second, I'm really not too sure what to think about this whole instructing gig. I mean, I enjoy it, but sometimes I'm not too sure what I'm doing - more importantly, why I'm doing it. And I don't mean why I'm teaching, or even flying for a living. It has more to do with the fact that maybe I'm actually - finally - doing something that I enjoy, and I'm not too sure how to really feel about it.
I take what I do, and more importantly how the industry as a whole is doing, very personally. I grew up and spent many a cross Atlantic trips in a Delta L1011. As a young boy, enjoying the view out the L10's larger than life cockpit windows - and the simple fact that the guys up front were in charge and loved what they did for a living really stuck me as a young boy. Sure, it was novelty, but flying for a living means a lot to me. Moreover it means a lot to me that I expect my fellow professional aviators to not sell themselves short. Have some professional pride and demand the most from your employers, they will do nothing less than that when they ask things of you.
In other areas of aviation I've found another forum to join and take part in. I had heard of many months ago, but since I lacked the required membership minimums (a commercial pilot certificate) I wasn't able to join until a few months ago. Unfortunately, I just joined up a few days ago. All you other professional pilots who come through here from either or be sure to check out PPW. You won't be disappointed.
I'm also approaching 400TT. About 130 of that is dual given. I enjoy what I do, no doubt, and I'm pretty sure that is what is causing this unknown development of why I'm wondering what I'm doing and why I'm doing it.
But anyway - as scatter brained out as this post is I hope it's some consolation for going over a month without updating this thing.
All the best, and happy new year!