Still waiting for IOE to start. Really frustrating to be honest.
First, I'm worried I won't have a job. And well, so be it. I have Plans B and C set up if I must pull the trigger.
Second, I'm frustrated that they expect us to go through training on their time, and then after you have your SIC ride they want you to sit around and wait almost a month before you actually do anything related to flying an aircraft.
What type of training program is that? Much less how efficient is it? Or is it just a sign of the times when all of our companies are having trouble making money because of Joe Six Pack consumer crying about the price of a ticket and by keeping us new FO's off the aircraft that means they don't have to pay us our Reserve guarantee and can keep us on Training pay for another month, two months, who knows how long.
But hey whatever. Really goes to show that this industry is really a joke and nothing more. I thought we all would be treated like the professionals we are, but I have yet to see that treatment from the support staff. It's just a shame.
I've also reached the point where I can no longer recommend coming into the professional piloting arena these days. Hell, ever. The days of being treated like a professional are long gone - unless you want to leave your family and go work overseas.
I don't know, I'm really seriously tempted to just throw in the damn towel before even starting IOE and head back into the General Aviation realm of the industry to enjoy flying again.
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