Part 135 is the governing section of the Federal Aviation Regulations that govern Commuter (non-Commercial Airline companies) and other On-Demand services.
A large majority of Part 135 operators specialize in provide on-demand air services
for small freight items, the leading package being canceled and cashed checks that need to move between the Federal Reserve system.
Now that that little refresher is out of the way.
One of the most established, and most sought after Part 135 companies - Airnet - has just recently decided to send 50-55 pilots packing. Which is quite the shock to most of us, considering that they are one of the few companies who have been doing well, with a great product and service, and one hell of a great work group of pilots who are nothing but happy to come to work every day.
It seems their new CEO came from not one, not two, but three failing companies. This reaffirms my opinion that these management types are nothing but players in a larger than life Magic the Gathering game. They hop around from failing company to alive company, and then drive that company into the ground, only to jump around to another alive company to drive to death.
It's just a shame, and absolutely saddening to be honest. I hope those 50-55 guys and gals who are put out of to the street are able to find employment quickly, and I hope they never forget who sent them there in the first place. Their new CEO, the tool who has brought down three airlines. I hope he doesn't bring Airnet down too, but if he does, I'm sure it will not be his last.
Good Luck.
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