Sunday, October 12, 2008

When you see an Airline Pilot. . .

-When you see a pilot going through the same security you go through, he's not being paid.

-When you see a pilot walking in the terminal, he's not being paid.

-When you see a pilot at the gate pulling up paper work, planning the flight, and conferring with the agent, he's not being paid.

-When you see a pilot walking around the aircraft doing a preflight inspection, he's not being paid.

-When you board the aircraft and look in the cockpit and see the pilots setting up the aircraft, they're not getting paid.

-When you land safely at your destination and walk off the aircraft and see the pilots shutting down the aircraft, they're not being paid.

-When you see a pilot waiting for a ride to a hotel for the night, he's not being paid.

-The only time the pilot of your aircraft is getting paid is when you DON"T see him... when he's locked behind the cockpit door as you push back from the gate. Every thing else he does until this point is for free. For no wages. Nothing!

-The average airline pilot is at work for 12- 14 hours per day, yet gets paid for less than 6 - 7 hours.

-The average airline pilot is away from home, at work, for 70+ hours a week, yet gets paid for only 15 to 18 hours per weeks work.

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