Thursday, October 4, 2007


Yeah, it's stable alright. . .but man does it really suck.

We've been needing rain badly here in the Atlanta area for about the past 3 weeks. Actually, for the whole year. I had really expected for a higher than average Hurricane / Tropic season, but even that hasn't helped us any.

A 1/5 of an inch a day wouldn't help us come out of this drought by years end. . .think about that.

I should actually be finishing the last 5 lesson plans right about now. Fortunately for me though, it's all ME aerodynamics, and some OEI (One Engine Inoperative) operations. VMC demonstration type stuff. :)

I had always thought that VMC demos, Lazy-Eights, and Chandelles would be more difficult than they really were. All three of them were actually pretty mellow. The authors of these aviation books need to do a better job with their pictures - putting fear of Lazy-Eights into the people that read them - all for - more emphasis in what the maneuver is going to look like? A little over emphasis is fine, but sheesh. When I first started reading about Lazy Eights, for some odd reason (those silly pictures) I thought I was going to have the plane climbing a good 600-800 ft, then descending rapidly to get back down to my initial altitude. Not. At least not in the DA20's. Never once did I see an initial climb higher than 400ft. Amazing how peaceful they really were in the end.

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